FAQs > Adoption Questions > What age Weimaraner should I adopt?

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Over the years, we've heard many misconceptions about the best age of Weimaraner to adopt:

"A younger dog will bond faster and closer than an older dog." False! Eight-year-old Cyris moved right in with his new family, which includes another Weimaraner and two children aged six and eight. He loves the kids, and Mom doesn't have to put up with the activity of a very young dog. Cyris loves to retrieve and catch Frisbees. He is eager to learn and was the star of his obedience class. In all our years of rescuing Weimaraners, we have never heard a complaint that an adopted dog didn't bond. Our adoptive homes often report that they feel like they've always had a particular rescue dog. As weeks and months pass, the bond with your adopted dog grows stronger. You will soon forget, regardless of what aged Weimaraner you adopt, that you haven't had this dog all its life.

"What age is best?" If you are 30-something or older, or have a young, active family, we suggest a Weimaraner around four or five years old because puppyhood is just about over. If you like to curl up for an early evening after a rough day at work, a Weim five or older may be the best companion for you. But keep in mind your Weim will still need daily exercise - Cyris is fit and trim at eight years old and very athletic. He loves his daily walks and still plays like a pup.

"Will an older dog adjust to a new home?" Adopted at age five, Susie had been abused. Through the patience and love of her adoptive family, she overcame her fears and happily shared their lives for more than nine years. A year after adopting Susie, the family welcomed four-year-old Gunther into their home. He immediately became pals with Susie and was with the family for nearly 10 years.

"I'm afraid to adopt an older Weimaraner because of losing the dog to death." We all know there are no guarantees in life and that death is part of life. It is particularly hard with canine companions because of the unconditional love they so generously give. But, when you purchase a puppy, you don't know what health problems may appear. By adopting an older Weimaraner, it's pretty much "what you see is what you get." All of our rescued Weimaraners are up to date on vaccines and free of heartworms.

Just think - no housebreaking or getting up in the early dawn hours to take your Weim outside. No teething to destroy your lovely furniture. And, many of our Weimaraners have had some obedience training. You get a ready-made friend all you need to add is loving care and companionship.

If you have further questions or want to talk with people who have adopted Weimaraners from us, please include a note with your application. When our Adoption Coordinator contacts you, she will discuss this option with you.

Last updated on January 22, 2010 by KellyAnn